Along with the basic beliefs that define orthodox, historic Christianity, including the unity and diversity of God in the Trinity--Father, Son, and Spirit--the following are the distinctive beliefs of our church.
1. Jesus is Lord
We believe that Jesus Christ, being eternally God, only begotten Son and the visible expression of the invisible God, effectively procured salvation for all creation through his death, burial and resurrection. He is the one assigned by God the Father to rule with authority over all of creation. Every area of the believer’s life and the life of the church is to be subject to the Lord.
2. The Word of God is the Authoritative Rule of Faith and Practice
We believe that God communicates his will through the inerrant, infallible, and inspired Word of God. We believe that the Bible is the final authority in matters of faith and practice. It is to be interpreted responsibly under the guidance of God’s Holy Spirit within the community of faith.
3. The Priesthood of All Believers
The Bible affirms the value of each person as having been created in the image of God, and also declares each person morally responsible for his/her own nature and behaviour. We believe that inherent in the worth of each person is also the right and competency of each individual personally to deal directly with God through Jesus Christ. This principle also suggests our responsibility to serve other believers in intercession and nurture: we are priests to each other. We believe that no group or individual has any right to compel others—forcefully or politically—to believe or worship as they do. Rather, we support religious liberty.
4. A Believers’ Church
We believe that Jesus Christ chooses to form his church by bringing together believers for the purpose of worship, witness, fellowship, and ministry (both spiritual and social). We recognize the church universal as all who truly profess faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. We also profess our understanding of the church as being visibly expressed in local congregations. Each local church must thus be made up of believers who, upon their profession of faith and their baptism (by immersion), are incorporated into the local church through the activity of the Holy Spirit. We believe that believers’ baptism and the Lord’s Supper are the two ordinances given by Jesus and are to be administered by the local church.
5. Mission and Evangelism
We have a story to tell that is mandated by our Lord in the Great Commission of Matthew 28:19-20. Our calling is to share God’s message of love and salvation with each person. Each Christian has the privilege to share their faith with others. We support being active in mission efforts, both in local and global contexts. We recognize that mission is not just evangelism, but also includes promoting justice, social welfare, healing, education, and peace in the world. It is a holistic approach that expresses care for both the needs of the human soul and the social needs that affect all of life.
6. Church Autonomy and Association
Government in a local church is controlled by the principles of the priesthood of all believers, the Lordship of Christ, the authority of the Scriptures and the guidance and power of the Holy Spirit. Christ, present in the lives of congregational members, leads them corporately to discover and obey his mind and will. Such ‘congregational government’ calls for and expresses the equality and responsibility of believers under the Lordship of Christ. We also recognize the need to temper the exercise of their autonomy in order to "associate" by linking regionally, nationally and internationally for ministry, mission, support and fellowship.
7. Freedom and Equality
Emerging from our convictions about the priesthood of all believers, we affirm that in Jesus Christ all people are equal. Each one is free to be in relationship with God and to express a faith that is not coerced. Faith cannot be predetermined by someone else, but is the right of and responsibility of each individual as they seek a relationship with God based on their own personal commitments. A further extension of the principle of the Lordship of Christ and the priesthood of believers is to be found in the conviction that there must exist a separation between the church and civil governments.
* This statement is adapted from CBOQ's belief statement.